Management README

Gain a deeper understanding of how I function as a leader, boss, and human.

About this document

Welcome to my README. Please consider this a user manual about me and how I work. It reflects my guiding values and my approach as a person and leader. I hope this gives us a more straightforward path to working together in a meaningful and impactful way. This document will grow as I do—it’s a work in progress, just like we all are.

My true north

I believe in treating others with kindness and respect—this is at the heart of everything I do. Building strong, positive relationships is my priority, and I also stand firm in my values when needed. Through mutual respect and understanding, we can build something far more powerful than individual effort alone. At the same time, I drive decisions and actions with the clarity and resolve necessary to achieve strategic goals.

My work delivery principles

Succeeding in real-world conditions

Success isn’t about waiting for perfect conditions—it’s about making the most of what we have. Imperfections and constraints aren’t obstacles; they’re opportunities for innovation. I believe we thrive when we embrace messy, real-world challenges and leverage constraints to find creative, practical solutions.

Get it done, get it right

It’s not enough to simply plan or talk about doing good work—we have to ship. Delivering consistently, even with constraints, is what creates value. I focus on taking action, meeting deadlines, and ensuring that our collective effort produces real-world impact.

Results over promises

Results speak louder than words. The ultimate measure of success is the tangible impact we deliver. I focus on ensuring our work not only meets but exceeds expectations and reflects the hard work we’ve put into it.

Transformation through quality

To drive meaningful change, we need to aim for excellence in everything we do. Great work builds great reputations. Sharing our successes and being vocal about our achievements helps us keep raising the bar. I believe transformation comes from consistently pushing ourselves to do better—and talking about the wins along the way.

Why am I here?

I’m here to help you succeed. My job is to provide context, make sure you have what you need, and be your advocate within the company. If our team is thriving and happy, then I know I’m doing my job right.

My assumptions

You’re great at what you do

You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t. I’ll ask questions to understand the bigger picture, not because I doubt your ability.

I’m not great at your job

You’re the expert. My role is to provide the context and help you achieve even better results by asking the right questions.

You’ll tell me when you’re stuck

I want to be here for you, and you must let me know if you feel unsupported.

You feel safe discussing things with me

I can sometimes come off as confident in my perspective, but the best solutions come from exploring every angle together.

Trust is our default

Trust is the foundation of every strong team. Without it, mediocrity is the best we can hope for. I trust you by default, and I expect the same from you.

I assume positive intent

When in doubt, I assume everyone comes from a place of good intentions. This mindset helps us build a constructive, forward-thinking environment.

My expectations

I have high expectations for my team because I have the same for myself. Here’s what you can expect from me and what I expect in return:

What I value

Critical thinking

I encourage challenging assumptions—nothing is sacred just because it’s how things have been done.


It is vital to take a step back and reflect on how we can improve. If you need help with self-reflection, I’ll happily guide you.


Understanding our customers is the key to delivering great products. Just as important is showing empathy towards our colleagues to keep our team strong.

Performance feedback

I aim to give you feedback regularly, especially in one-on-ones. If something’s off, I’ll let you know; if you’re concerned, let me know.

How can you help me

Do great work

This is what we’re here for. If something is keeping you from achieving your goals, please let me know as soon as possible.

Challenge me

Don’t just agree with me. Push back when needed—healthy debate is how we arrive at the best solutions.

Keep me in the loop

One of my responsibilities is to provide context. If you feel something is unclear, let me know so I can fill in the gaps.

How to work with me

Be direct, be open

Give me candid feedback. If I miss the mark, let me know—and suggest how I can improve. Positive feedback is great too, especially when it’s meaningful.

Ask me anything

I strive for transparency. If you have questions, ask away. I’ll share what I can, keeping in mind that I may have to withhold certain confidential details.

Avoid politics

Don’t CC me to pressure someone else. Let’s keep communication honest and direct.

Work iteratively

If you want my input, ask at multiple stages, not just at the end. Bring me your ideas early, and let’s refine them together.

Act like an owner

Take responsibility and drive things forward. I’m here to support you, but I expect you to own your tasks.

Disciplined meetings

I expect meetings to have clear intentions and desired outcomes. If I feel I can’t contribute, I’ll politely leave and trust that you’ve got it covered.

Bring data and clarity

Don’t waste time on elaborate slides—clear, structured thinking matters. Writing forces us to sharpen our thoughts, and that benefits everyone.

Embrace asynchronous communication

When appropriate, use email or shared documents for updates or feedback. Asynchronous methods give everyone the flexibility to contribute when they’re at their best.

My availability

Few things are more important to me than talking to you. My door is always open—whether you need clarification, have heard a rumour, or something is blocking your work. Don’t wait for a one-on-one; reach out any time.


This time is for you. Let’s use it to talk about anything on your mind—your goals, thoughts about the team, or anything else. It’s not a status meeting unless that’s what you need it to be.


Clear, timely feedback is crucial to our growth. Please don’t hesitate to give me feedback, whether it’s positive or constructive. If you ever feel hesitant to share something, I want to know why.

There is life beyond work

Our work matters, but so does life outside of it. Flexibility goes both ways. We’ll go the extra mile when needed, but we also trust each other when someone has to prioritise their personal life. Whether it’s family, health, or something unexpected, let me know what’s important to you, and we’ll make it work. Taking care of ourselves makes us better at our jobs.